“For God is not the author of confusion but of peace, as in all the churches of the saints.” (1 Corinthians 14:33)

I hate to be confused. Yet I’ve spent a lot of time being confused. Most of it was when I was into new age philosophies. Now, I pray every day for clarity and truth. And I’m being guided to help others in any way I can. Notice I didn’t say teach or preach. I don’t want to do either.

There are so many Believers who are hooked on the Bible as if it’s the last and final word and the only source of information. But the Bible is only the beginning of our relationship with the Creator. Yet some use it to control others, giving Christians a bad rap.

Now I LOVE the Bible and have it on audio as well as hard copies of different translations. But I find spending time alone with the Most High benefits me so much more. Still, I find comfort and life lessons in reading or listening to the scriptures.

There are some ideas or theories that are so wide spread they seem to be the truth. But they aren’t. And I was so confused about it that I did some research and prayer. And this I’m sharing in this post. I’m only stating facts so you’re free to come to your own conclusion.

1. There is no reference of an Anti-Christ as a dominant singular human being anywhere in the Bible. (Rather, there are many antichrists and an antichrist system).

2. There is no evidence of a pre-tribulation rapture, or a 7-year tribulation anywhere in the Bible.

3. There is no confirmation that the “mark of the beast” is something physical such as a chip or implant anywhere in the Bible. There is more confirmation that it’s an invisible mark, like those sealed by Yah via an angel: “Do not harm the earth, the sea, or the trees till we have sealed the servants of our God on their foreheads.” (Revelation 7:3).

Yes, I know it would be hard to describe modern technology when this book was written, but his description still doesn’t appear to be a physical mark.

I’ve read testimonies where people who see in the spirit say those who follow satan already have this mark and it’s clearly visible…but not to the natural eyes.

4. There is no reference of Eve submitting to Adam, nor did Yashua mention anything about  submission in marriage. In fact, he did say: “and the two shall become one flesh; so then they are no longer two, but one flesh.” (Mark 10:8).

So if the husband and wife are one, doesn’t it logically follow they should both submit to Yah, and not the wife to the husband? He isn’t God, so this doctrine of man can be seen as a form of vain ego and idolatry…both sins.

Yashua quoted Isaiah the prophet: “And in vain they worship Me, Teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.” (Matthew 15:9)

It’s helpful to always keep in mind we are servants of the Living God, not servants to a book. And if the words in the book didn’t come from the Messiah himself, they are imperfect, and of course, usually mistranslated, misinterpreted or outright altered.

The Bible says: “The haters of the Lord would pretend submission to Him, But their fate would endure forever.” (Psalm 81:15) This verse seem to apply to everyone, not just to men, and to both the single and married.

We have to be very careful and use discernment to decipher what’s truth and what isn’t. But it isn’t hard to pray on things and wait for guidance. It will come! Otherwise we may get caught in the great deception that’s already here and getting worse every day.

I will say it: It is unrighteous to teach women to submit to a man rather than submitting to God directly. I’ve met and seen too many women living this false truth. And they can pretend all day and night that it’s working for them. But it can’t be, and doesn’t seem to be either. Because it takes power away from God to give to men. And puts too much pressure on men who are just trying to make it in themselves.

To say that women should submit to both God and their husband also reeks of insecurity. These are teachings of men who seek to maintain control, not of reborn Believers who have given up all control.

“But I want you to know that the head of every man is Christ, the head of woman is man, and the head of Christ is God.” (1 Corinthians 11:3).

This verse above is the culprit. How do we know this wasn’t added in by the same people who cut women and a whole lot of books out of the modern bible?  

Married couple Ananias and Sapphira both died for their sin. Not just him. And “Peter said to her, “How is it that you have agreed together to test the Spirit of the Lord?” (Acts 5:9). This shows they were one in both their sin and in their death. He wasn’t held responsible alone, they were equally punished. This is in line with Yashua saying once married, you become one flesh.

Danger in False Teaching

People keep talking about these things as if they are real, repeating what they’ve been told rather than seeking truth. Another danger is that in waiting for false prophecies to happen, it keeps us thinking we have more time than we might really. And Messiah says he’s returning “like a thief in the night,” meaning he’s coming at a time when many won’t expect him to.

There is major danger in not being prepared. This is what the parable of the 10 Virgins is all about. Virgin means ‘pure,’ so this parable covers all Believers living in repentance, not just women. And most know that it’s about the return of The King, and how many people won’t be prepared (have oil – which is the Holy Spirit – in their lamps). And how they will be left behind.

It sounds awful at first glance. But to my understanding Messiah is returning for those who are close to him. Repentance is turning our backs on sin, so it means we’re turned in the right direction. But we still must walk closer and closer to the Light of the World (Messiah). This comes through bearing fruit of the Spirit (love, joy , peace, etc.), doing good works, prayer and fasting. Fasting from not just food, but from the world. From technology, from social situations, and from our hobbies and pleasures.

If you believe I’m wrong, please send me an email with the scripture(s) included or any other evidence to show my error. Blessings. And many thanks to the Most High for this inspiration.
