Yah speaks to us: sometimes in dreams, sometimes audibly, sometimes quietly in our minds, sometimes in visions, sometimes through other people, and sometimes in life events or circumstance. Our job is to pay attention and listen. S/he really does seek to make life easier if we just allow it. (The devil can also infiltrate dreams and visions so discernment is really a blessing)

I ask for the interpretation to my dreams, because I have many. The interpretation always comes when I ask, but not always right away. Sometimes I’ll be in the middle of something and the meaning will just pop in my head unexpectedly. Other times, it comes when I’m praying.

Joseph of the Bible was also a dreamer. He had a dream that made his brothers mad. So they sold him to get rid of him, and he became a slave/servant, then an innocent prisoner. He went through all that for years and then became the right hand man of the king. He went directly from the prison to the palace. And ended up forgiving and saving his brothers from starvation. It took some time for his dreams to manifest, but the Most High saw the end from the beginning and the dreams were a sign of things to come.

It was a dream that led me to Messiah. A dream of many people dying that shook me to my core and got me to wake up from the new age bullshit I was knee deep in. And to stop smoking weed.

But in all my dreams there is one that stands out.

A long time ago I had a dream about someone I didn’t know. In the dream, the person loved me. There were a few more details, but the crazy part to me was at the very end of the dream, right before I woke up, a voice whispered audibly the name of the person – that was highly unusual. I woke up with a strange feeling. The dream came at a time when I was separated from my then boyfriend. We were living in sin and the relationship kept getting worse, so we separated. Then I had the dream.

I woke up intrigued. Who was this person in the dream and why did I have it? At that time I was a diehard sinner although I believed in God, but don’t remember praying or asking for interpretation. Instead, I went to the internet and looked up the name that was whispered to me, not really expecting much, but something told me to do it.

To my surprise, it was a real person who lived in my state and was in the entertainment industry. The real shock came when I saw his picture and it was the guy in the dream. That was mindblowing since how could I dream about someone I had never heard about nor knew existed but that was real?

So I kept thinking about it. I’m not a fan of entertainers and had dated one or two before and was not impressed by their lifestyle (or desired lifestyle) or ego. I’ve had lots of relationship problems but adultery was never one, that was and will always be unpardonable in my book.

But being a go getter and being curious and being at the end of a relationship (or so I thought at the time) I said, let me make a move. So I did something that I never really thought would work. I joined a social media site and contacted ole boy.

But surprisingly he turned out to have mad emotional issues (some of them understandable due to trauma), and crazy baggage. And although I had some of my own, I felt I was dealing with mine better. I was desperately trying to dump my load since he had dishonestly hidden some legal issues from me, causing us major problems, but it was harder due to the circumstances. So I let him come back just as friends. I had loved him a lot in the beginning, but the lack of honesty caused me to feel hurt, and the arguments caused me to fall out of love. Although the friendship was always there.

But the dream dude was carrying some dead weight that evidently the devil wouldn’t let him drop. After warning him many times to drop the baggage, I said sayonara and checked out of that toxic mess. It hurt cause I was starting to love the guy, but I just couldn’t go further. I’m not built like that.

But. I keep having more and more dreams. And frankly I’m tired of ’em. I’m married but wish to be single for reasons I won’t go into, but are more spiritually inclined than earthly. The Bible says if your hand causes you to sin, cut it off, rather than let it cast you into hellfire. I believe if your mate causes you to sin cut them off. They won’t be there to plead your case at the throne of judgment. And I got saved after marriage so to be fair, he should be able to still live in sin if he so unwisely chooses.

Being single has never been a crime. But why then the dreams? Haven’t figured out yet whether they’re a satan setup or a gift from God. Waiting for the answer…

Are you saved?