It’s easy to give up when you are that close! Because Yah is a tester of faith. And faith takes patience, which is why there’s an expression: the patience of a saint.

But the devil never gives up, he can’t because he’s in eternal torment. He’s an angry bastard and he wants to make us angry and miserable too.

So what does he do? He sends allll kinds of people our way that we feel compatible with but deep down know something is still missing. And what do they often do? Just eat up our time and take us away from serving the Most High. They are Distracters. And Time Wasters. And they are persistent.

But they can be charismatic, they can feed our ego, push the right buttons. The Distracters are often lonely and unhappy, always looking for greener grass. Because they don’t have the Joy that can only come when we give our hearts to The Messiah! So they stick to us like glue, trying to share our energy. They are not always bad people.

But they can tempt us to sin. They can tempt us into fornication. Or adultery. They can take us further away from the Messiah if we let them. Danger danger!!!

Yes, I am dealing with this. But I won’t let it stop me or take me off my track. Because I believe in love! And Yah showed me somebody that truly loved me in a deeper way, not superficially or with neediness … even before I ‘met’ this person. Now riddle me this, how does somebody you never met have love for you?

And how can you then fall for that person when you do ‘meet’ even though you never met? The mysteries of the Spirit are something fantastic.

And I messed it up. But I was supposed to mess it up, took me a long time to understand that. If I didn’t it would not have worked.

Because I wasn’t ready and he wasn’t ready.

I thank Yah every day for Her wisdom because She sees the end from the beginning.

And I can say with certainty that you either grow backwards or you grow old. It’s all a state of mind. Because if you don’t follow the Messiah’s teachings to deny yourself and become like a little child, you will follow the path of the world right into decay and destruction.

Happy New Year!   

Love never fails. (1 Corinthians 13:8)