A simple as it may seem, this one little thing can keep us from a meaningful and joyful life. It can also keep us from eternal salvation. This Deep Believer short tells more… Blessings!
Bible Worship is Sending Many to Hell
Many Believers spend more time in The Bible than with The Messiah. In this way, the Bible becomes an idol, and the worship of the written word over The True Word (The Messiah) becomes a stumbling block. Before I […]
Evidence that Over 33 Million Angels Are Here in Earth
This is an interesting discussion! Among the topics are the Book of Enoch and the fact that stars are really angels.
The Gospels
The most important readings in the universe, to Believers. They are the accounts of The Messiah, God in flesh, who sacrificed his life for mankind. There is no greater love. This is the NKJV. Download or Read Online
Why Praying to “The Universe” Doesn’t Work
How to Spot a Demon Possessed Person | Use THIS One Word
Note: When the Bible says to honor your father and mother, some people understand this to mean Yah and Yashua, not earthly parents.
Winning = Making it to the Eternal Destination of Paradise
I may have posted this video before. It’s one of the best.
The Afterlife
One of the best testimonies.
Be Fruitful Does Not Mean Procreate
The church patriarchy had an unspoken mission and quest for power. It had to maintain a hierarchy, keeping certain people on the top (men) and all others down below. Therefore, their interpretation of the Bible is badly skewed. And it […]
Deep Believer Interview – People Will Start Teleporting To Safety: Find Out Why and How!
Note: I believe at 16:03 below when he discusses the ‘animal skin’ Adam and Eve were clothed with after they sinned, this was human flesh, not animal hide. Reference First Book of Adam and Eve Chapter 13:7 “But when I […]
A Bad Marriage is Not a Flex
We have far more examples of horrible marriages than good ones. Some people believe staying together through infidelity, lack of respect and other reasons where you would be better off single is an accomplishment. That’s like saying that during slavery, […]
Is the Bible an Idol?
According to, it is. It is the definntion of the word idol, which is also defined as, “any person or thing regarded with blind admiration, adoration, or devotion.” The Bible can certainly be an idol, especially in today’s time. […]
The Bible is Not the Mark of the Beast
This is a follow up from yesterday’s post, The Bible is the Antichrist? I don’t believe the Bible is the antichrist or the mark of the beast. Here’s why. 1. Although satan can use the Bible to deceive many, it […]
The Bible is the Antichrist?
These beautiful people in the video below believe so. In my opinion, there are a lot of antichrist statements in the New Testament. There are contradictions which equal Traps. These traps form a net for those who don’t have Yah’s […]
Many Pastors Don’t Know Jesus (Yashua)
This post is not about preachers who were sent by satan to make imposter churches. This is about preachers who are misguided. They genuinely believe they’re doing the right thing by holding firm to teachings in the Bible. They know […]
More Confirmation
It is my belief that the Bible was grossly mistranslated. Logic and study of nature shows that Eve was created first, and Adam was taken from her DNA (rib). And that man was created to help women, not the other […]
5 Things Yashua DIDN’T Say
“Is the blood on your door?”
– Received from the Lord Jesus Christ on 10/18/23
The Great Deception
Now that we’re in the beginning of the Age of Aquarius, knowledge is abounding.[1] And while that may be good, along with it comes also satan’s ‘knowledge’, which is deception [2]… a bit of truth mixed with lies. This misleading […]